To Contact Board Members or the POA: call 579-2044 or e-mail at
Joe Watts – President, John Csernecky – Vice President, Kerry Jarrell – Treasurer, Sue Hensler– Secretary,
Kelly Wilson –Director, Carol Davis – Director, Julia Lally – Director, Philip Laura – Director
Merrilee Burns – Co-Editor Linda Rugg – Co-Editor
Bulletin email:
CSPOA website:
Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Message from the Board – Joe Watts, President
Adapted from Brene Brown- Washing Machines
"Humans are social creatures, yet we are isolating ourselves more and more, which is leading to feelings of loneliness and depression. Brene Brown, a well-known social scientist and research professor at the University of Houston, has spent the last two decades studying vulnerability, shame, courage and empathy."
" Brene tells a story about a village where the women would go down to the river to wash their clothes together. Whilst washing they would chat, share stories, learn from each other, connect over similar experiences and problems. The village then introduced washing machines and, not so longer after, there was a breakout of depression. This was due to the lack of social interaction, doing things together and losing their sense of community."
let’s start reaching out. In those moments when we are feeling stressed,
lonely or blue, let’s not hide away. Let’s connect with our friends
regularly, consistently and even more so when we need support. We don’t
need to be at our best, our friends are totally fine with us being
imperfect. We are all imperfect and we deserve to be loved and feel like
we belong."
CSPOA is our village!
There are many opportunities in our community to gather, share and connect.
Enjoy the amenities, activities and our social interaction!
September 8, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. – MONTHLY BOARD MEETING AT THE CLUBHOUSE.
Please remember to notify the office if you change your phone number, email address, name, or mailing address. It is extremely easy to overlook this, but difficult for the office should we need to contact you. Thank you.
How to Submit Articles to the Bulletin
The DEADLINE for submitting articles for the Bulletin is 5:00 p.m. on the 20th of each month for the following month’s issue.
YOU MUST EMAIL ARTICLES to: Do not use the office email. Be sure to include the name of the activity in the “subject” line of your email. Thank you.
Recreation Facilities – Kelly Wilson
As summer has begun to wind down, we see parents and kids anxious about going back to school, picking out new clothes and supplies for the upcoming year ahead, and grandparents cleaning up the remnants left from grandchildren visiting. But, as always, we are sad to see this time of year arrive as it leads us into the “Summertime Blues.”
The pool this year has been a great place to have families come and enjoy each other’s company, escape the awful heat that summer brings, meeting new people either moving from other areas or just visiting with family and friends, and the place that has become the busiest part of the Carolina Shores community.
Sadly, as summer begins to wind down, we are very fortunate living here to have the Carolina warmth stay with us longer in Carolina Shores. With other pools closing for the end of summer this lets us keep our summertime going a little longer than other areas. Beginning the month of September and starting the day after Labor Day we will be reducing the pool hours of operation. From September 7 through the end of the month the new hours for open swim will be 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, all weather permitting.
Morning water aerobics have been going great and everyone wants to keep the daily workouts available into the later months. Water aerobics are Monday through Saturday mornings beginning at 9:00 a.m. and last about an hour.
We invite all members and their guests to please keep enjoying the pool as the summer begins to wind down, and hope that everyone has enjoyed their visit to the pool this summer.
LAP SWIMMING 8:00 TO 9:00 a.m.
WATER AEROBICS 9:00 TO 10:00 a.m.
OPEN SWIMMING 10:00 a.m. TO 5:00 p.m.
ACC Corner – Jack Csernecky, ACC Liaison/CSPOA Vice President
Due to the conscientious actions of the volunteer ACC members over the years, we all are able to reside in a neat, green, open, and friendly community. The actions taken by the ACC from the past until now have established a highly desirable and valuable community for us all.
The ACC is staffed by a part-time paid chairman and volunteer residents who spend their time helping promote the rules and regulations applied equally to all. Right now, the ACC needs volunteers for the committee. This is due to the loss of volunteers who have left because of medical issues.
We have all benefited by the past actions of these volunteers. CAN YOU spare two (2) to four (4) hours every other week to HELP? If enough individuals volunteer that could be two to four hours one week a month.
You will not be a law enforcement individual who patrols the community streets looking for infractions. The committee reviews requests for exterior changes for painting, roof replacements, fences, and building/Lot alterations, etc.
We need your time and talent to keep the Carolina Shores Development the picturesque and appealing community that IT IS.
Recreation Committee – Sue O’Reilly
Happy Hour in the Park – Friday, September 17, at 5:00 p.m. at the pavilion
Fall Fest - Sunday, October 17, at 3:00 p.m. at the pavilion
Click here to enlarge picture
News Splash! – Mary Timothy
Water aerobics classes are held Monday through Saturday at 9:00
a.m. There is a $5.00 fee for the season. Water weights, water shoes and a
bottle of water are recommended; expect an hour of fun and exercise.
Chair Aerobics will be starting every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in October from 9:00 to 10 a.m. in the POA clubhouse.
Garden Club – Mary Conover
The Carolina Shores Garden Club is open
to novice gardeners as well as those who have achieved the Master Gardener
status. It's a great way to learn all about what grows in this climate, how to
maintain our particular trees and plants, as well as expanding our
understanding of what impacts them. It's also an excellent way to make new
friends with like-minded neighbors!
Our first meeting in the fall will be on September 8, and while we normally begin at 1:00 p.m., this first meeting will begin at 12:30 due to our speaker's schedule. Our presenter will be Carol Kendall, and her topic is Coral Bells (Heuchera).
The Garden Club meets the second Wednesday of the month, September to May at 1:00 p.m. at the POA clubhouse, 17 Lakeview Ct. Dues are $10/year. Please contact Joanne Bendy at (910) 575-0071 if you have any questions.
Quilting Group – Gloria Gustavson
Mark your calendars.
Our Quilting Group meetings will begin again September 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the
POA clubhouse. Our meetings are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every
month, September through June.
This invitation is extended to all quilters in the community past, present and future. If you are new to Carolina Shores and would like to know more about our group, call either Inez Barrett at 910-579-0779 or Gloria Gustavson at 910-297-0066 or just stop on by September 10 and check us out. Let’s kick this season off with new ideas and new members.
Knit ‘n Natter – Diana Mardall
The knitting
group meets at the POA clubhouse. The meetings for September will be on the 13th
and 27th at 6:30 p.m.
If you have any questions, email me at or call me at 910-575-7804.
Book Discussion Group – Susie Riggs
Our book selection for August was His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie. This warm and often humorous story, set in modern-day Ghana, introduced us to a young woman named Afi Tekple, who has been convinced by her mother to marry a wealthy man she does not know. Afi’s struggle for independence in an arranged marriage takes her on an empowering journey of self-discovery and personal growth. All members present agreed that it was an enlightening and enjoyable read!
Our next meeting will be held on Friday, September 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the POA library. We will be discussing Courting Greta by Ramsey Hootman, as well as choosing our reading selections for the coming year. Each member is asked to submit the title of one book to be included on our 2021-2022 reading list. Any members who are unable to attend the meeting may send their recommendation to Pat McKay.
Pickleball - Rick Griffith & Sue Berger
"Open Play"
Monday at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday at 8:00 a.m.
Saturday at 8:00 a.m.
*Carolina Shores "Open Play" pickleball is for players of ALL levels of experience including beginners. It is NOT a league or team competition. It is recreational as well as social. Beginners are encouraged to learn and play.
Wear Tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. Paddles and balls are available to use.
Never played and interested in learning? We'll teach you. Check out this site on how to play: How to Play Pickleball - USA Pickleball or go to (www. Stop by the courts during Open play and check it out.
Contact us to schedule a beginners lesson or if you have any questions:
Rick Griffith 419.262.3832 /
Sue Berger 919.410.1221 /
We hope to see you at the courts!!
Care Team – Flo Pflaster
We have many volunteers
on the Care Team, ready and willing to help our neighbors with temporary
assistance. I will do whatever I can to find someone to help - all you have to
do is call or email me!
For those of you who have volunteered to help others by being on the Care Team, here is how you make sure you are getting notifications when I post a request:
How to control all email notification settings (including groups)
1. Log in to and click your profile picture in the top right corner.
2. Select Settings from the drop-down.
3. Select Notifications from the left menu:
4. Next to Email Notifications, select Edit
5. If you set Updates from your local area to None then you will not receive email notifications from your groups.
6. If you set it to Only top posts or All you will get an email for every new group post. (choose this one)
Note: Adjusting these settings will affect all your email notifications, not just for groups.
If you want to be a part of this team or if you no longer want to be on the list, please let me know. There are not many calls for help, but people are so very grateful for the assistance they do get! It really does not take much to volunteer. Help with a small chore at home, an occasional ride, a temporary need for dog walking, etc. is usually what is needed. So, neighbors, continue to let me know if you need help and I will do my best to find someone.
Thank you,
575-6243 home
368-1070 cell
New Neighbors – Flo Pflaster, Margie Pettersen and Charlotte Csernecky
NAME: Louise and Ramon De Los Reyes
ADDRESS: 9 Pineridge Ct.
PHONE: 910-512-4285
Louise and Ramon bought their home in May, moving from a 4-year stay in a townhouse in Leland. Previously, they lived in Burlington, NC. Louise is an artist and was a tech instructor and a stained-glass instructor. She has a large collection of ancient shark teeth, found on local beaches. Ramon retired from the tobacco industry where he was a machine installer. They have a daughter and 5 granddaughters, with a grandson due in January. They live in Mexico City. Louise and Ramon are loving living in their new neighborhood, especially exploring the area and swimming in the pool.
NAME: Jennifer Bagley
ADDRESS: 39 Swamp Fox Dr.
PHONE: 401-640-1128
Jen moved here from Fort Lauderdale, FL with her 19-year-old cat named Fifi. Her aunt and uncle live in Ocean Isle Beach, and she has family in the Northeast. Jen works remotely from home for American Express. She is looking forward to fixing up her home and meeting new people in Carolina Shores.
NAME: Pete and Jeanie O’Brien
ADDRESS: 1 Cleek Ct.
PHONE: 540-604-1713 Jeanie; 540-604-8660 Pete
Pete and Jeanie and their rescue pup, Scamp, moved here recently. They previously lived in Maryland, northern VA (Washington DC area) and were Florida snowbirds for many years. Their daughter owns a house on Sunset Beach and for now, their grandson is staying with them. Another daughter lives in Virginia. Pete retired 20 years ago from working for the US Senate, first as a Capitol police office and later, in a civilian capacity. Jeanie worked in a school system in Maryland as a secretary and a substitute teacher. She loves to knit and is interested in joining the knitting group and a golfing group once they are settled in. Pete loves to “putter” around the house fixing things.
NAME: Virglee and Joseph Nicopolis
ADDRESS: 7 Sage Ct.
PHONE: Joe-239-672-5113, Virg-239-672-5038
Joe and Virg moved here from Florida but were originally from Ohio. Before he retired, Joe worked as a superintendent at a steel operation and later as a supervisor at American Standard Co. He likes the beach, surf-fishing, poker, cooking, and singing karaoke. Virg was once a professional dancer and instructor and worked at the Packard plant. She enjoys shell-collecting at the beach, playing cards and bingo. Joining them is their adorable dog, Rusty, part Shi-Tzu and Havanese.
NAME: Timothy and Brandi Moore
ADDRESS: 10 Pinewood Dr.
PHONE: 843-655-5871
Tim and Brandi moved here from Longs, SC but were originally from Pennsylvania and Iowa respectively. They were looking for a nice, private neighborhood for their family, and a yard for their children: TJ, nearly two, and one more on the way. Brandi had worked for a restoration company, but now is loving being a stay-at-home mom. Tim is construction manager for H & H Homes. Both like bicycling, working in the yard, and camping.
NAME: Ryan Christoferson and Xiomara Garcia
ADDRESS: 9 Canal Way
PHONE: 719-761-1673
Ryan and Xiomara, and their baby girl, Harlow, moved here from Colorado. They searched for more than a year the perfect place to live - one which offered a better quality of life and had a reasonable cost of living. We are so pleased that they decided that Carolina Shores, NC was the perfect place to raise a family. Ryan is a restaurant manager for Local on the water in North Myrtle Beach. He likes sports, and is interested in golf, pool and baseball. Xiomara worked in real estate, both residential and commercial, and hopes to get licensed and work here. They have two mixed breed dogs, Changito and Archer.
NAME: Clark and Pat McNatt
ADDRESS: 11 Court 10
PHONE: 214-668-5224; Pat 214-668-5224
Clark and Pat are recent retirees who have moved here from the Dallas area to be closer to their daughter and grandchildren who live in Sunset Beach. Pat was a nurse in Texas and may continue to work here part-time. She is a go-getter and anxious to try activities in our community and learn new things. She is interested in gardening, exercise, going to the beach. Clark was a store manager at Lifeway Christian Store in Dallas. He loves history and is looking forward to visiting Asheville and Charleston.
NAME: Russell Smith and Michael Turnage
ADDRESS: 7 Oakbark Ct.
PHONE: 336-624-2463
EMAIL: Russell:
Russell moved here from Wilmington, NC to be closer to his parents, Jan and David Crouch, who live in our community. Michael has worked in retail for years, and currently is one of the managers at Walmart in Southport. Michael enjoys treasure hunting at yard sales, and fine dining.
NAME: Cindy and Tim Ash; Jackie Gush
ADDRESS: 12 Myrtlewood Dr.
PHONE: 910-575-3204
Tim and Cindy came here from Somerset, PA. Jackie lived in Maryland before moving in with her sister, Cindy. They love their beautiful, wooded lot at the Acreage. Cindy retired from the medical field. Tim retired from the oil company, Exxon/Mobil. They both like going to the beach and working in the yard. Jackie likes to walk and kayak. Jackie has three cats, Dewey, GirlyGirl and Harley.
NAME: Bob and Judy Lazarczyk
ADDRESS: 10 Cleek Ct.
PHONE: 973-985-6649 (Judy); 973-985-6354 (Bob)
Judy and Bob moved here in early July from Pompton Plains, NJ. They have two dogs, a Yorkie named Pepper and Holly, a large mix, probably Golden Retriever and Chow. They have a daughter at the University of Pittsburgh and another daughter in Colorado. Judy works from home for Johnson & Johnson in the medical device area and Bob is retired as an Associate Director for ABC TV. They are very excited to be settling into their new home and Bob is happy to go to the pool almost every day.
NAME: Alex Wowk
ADDRESS: 8 Bayberry Cir.
PHONE: 910-398-5513
Alex and his 15-year-old Yorkie-poodle, Mitzi, moved here in mid-July. He previously lived at the Farm in Carolina Shores for 11 years and is originally from Red Hook, NY. His two children live in Charleston and in Red Hook.
Alex retired from IBM where he was a graphic designer. He is an artist, primarily water colors and teaches art. He is very active with his church and sings with the choir. Besides painting, he is interested in tropical fish and plans to fill several large tanks as he gets resettled in his new home.
NAME: Olga Walchok
ADDRESS: 19 Northwest Drive
PHONE: (declined)
Olga moved here at the end of July from Staten Island, NY. She has a brother that lives in Supply and was thrilled to move near him. She is a retired network engineer for AT&T where she worked for 40 years. Olga likes to knit and read and has already volunteered to help on the Care Team. She hopes to get a dog soon and is looking at German Shepard rescues.
NAME: Sandra and Nick Gernhard; Elizabeth (Liz) Atherton
ADDRESS: 14 Gate 5
Nick, Sandy and Sandy’s mother, Liz, all came from the Raleigh, NC area, but were originally from Connecticut. They were attracted here based on the wonderful things about Sunset Beach. Did you know it was mentioned in Southern Living as one of the best beaches, and by National Geographic as one of the top 25 beaches in the world? Sandy works as a school counselor at an elementary school and likes hiking and reading. Liz creates wonderful works of art in watercolor, oil and acrylic paint. She also enjoys water aerobics and working with young people. She has three children, five grandchildren and two adorable dogs, Bones and Zoe.
NAME: Deborah and Brian Barron
ADDRESS: 10 Pineridge Court
PHONE: Debbie: 336-682-3090; Brian: 336-682-4067
Deborah and Brian moved south after living in the Adirondacks (Oneida, NY) for many years. Before settling here, they have also lived in Mocksville and Bolivia, NC. They loved the trees, the well-kept yards and the coziness of our community. Before she retired, Debbie worked as a first-grade teacher. She had also worked in the airline industry. She is interested in all kinds of outdoor activities: golf, pickleball, tennis, and she also loves going to the beach. Brian worked for a credit union as a mortgage broker before he retired. He plays golf and stays busy all the time with yardwork and various projects. They have two rescue dogs, Fancy and Hurley; five children; and fifteen grandchildren, ranging in age from 4 months to 15 years.
NAME: Robert Rozzi and Cathryn Clinton
ADDRESS: 59 Carolina Shores Drive
PHONE: 610-468-5056
Robert and Cathryn and their rat terrier Cami
hail from Reading, PA. They are presently still working at Robert’s company
until the first of the year. Both loved the area after vacationing here and
decided this is where they wanted to live. Cathryn is a published author and
looks forward to reading and thrifting while Robert will be renovating the
house and playing golf. They have four children and two grandchildren between
NAME: Nancy and Tony Leab
ADDRESS: 14 Carolina Shores Parkway
PHONE: 717-404-6948
Nancy and Tony, who love to travel and walk on the beach, picked this area for its proximity to the beach. They moved here from Braddock Heights, Maryland. A retired nurse, Nancy has already immersed herself in community activities. She joined the book discussion group, water aerobics and the Waterway Artist Association. She is also interested in photography and gardening. Tony works from home as an I.T. engineer. He likes scuba diving, music and playing his guitar. They have six children and thirteen grandchildren.
If you recently purchased a home in Carolina Shores and have not been greeted by the Welcoming Committee, please contact Flo at 575-6243 or
In Memoriam
Jerry Rubin
Sales and Services
DISCLAIMER: The CSPOA assumes no responsibility for the services provided in the following ads. It is the customers’ responsibility to find out if the service provider is BONDED AND/OR INSURED.
2002 Mercury Grand Marquis In great shape a/c p/w p/s cruise control Best offer 910-579-7526
“For Sale” ads must be renewed by the 20th of every month to appear in the the following month’s bulletin. Business ads must be renewed every three months as follows: by the 20th of May for June, July and August bulletins; by the 20th of August for September, October and November bulletins; by the 20th of November for December, January and February bulletins; and 20th of February for March, April and May bulletins. |
Pavilion and Recreation Area Calendar for September 2021 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics
6 8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics
13 8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics |
17 8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics 5:00 Happy Hour in the Park |
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics
20 8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics
26 |
27 8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
9:00 Water Aerobics 5:30 Pickleball |
8:30 Tennis 9:00 Water Aerobics |
8:00 Pickleball 9:00 Water Aerobics |
Clubhouse Calendar for September 2021 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
8:00 Exercise 1:00 Ladies Cards |
2 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Rec Comm Meeting 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Mah Jongg 7:00 Men’s Poker |
3 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Ladies Cards 6:00 Friday Night Cards |
5 |
6 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row
8:00 Exercise 9:30 Board Mtg 1:00 Garden Club 7:00 Bunco
9 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Mah Jongg 7:00 Men’s Poker |
10 8:00 Exercise 10:00 Quilting / Needlework Guild 1:00 Ladies Cards 6:00 Friday Night Cards |
13 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row 6:30 Knit ‘n’ Natter |
1:30 Tuesday Poker |
8:00 Exercise 1:00 Ladies Cards
16 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Mah Jongg 7:00 Men’s Poker |
17 8:00 Exercise 10:00 Book Discussion Group 1:00 Ladies Cards 6:00 Friday Night Cards |
Private Party |
19 |
20 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row
8:00 Exercise 10:00 Mexican Train 1:00 Ladies Cards
23 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Mah Jongg 7:00 Men’s Poker |
24 8:00 Exercise 10:00 Quilting / Needlework Guild 1:00 Ladies Cards 6:00 Friday Night Cards |
26 |
27 8:00 Exercise 1:00 Maj Jongg 6:30 Ladies Poker 6:30 King’s Row 6:30 Knit ‘n’ Natter
1:30 Tuesday Poker |
8:00 Exercise 1:00 Ladies Cards
30 10:00 Mah Jongg 6:00 Men’s Poker 6:30 Mah Jongg 7:00 Men’s Poker |
Recycle Center Schedule Windshield Sticker Required Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 12 noon. Closed Sundays Please check the town website for adjusted hours.
2021 Holiday Schedule: January 1, January 18, April 2, May 31, July 4, September 6, November 11, November 25, December 25.